ATLAS UNI STEEL – specialist’s opinion
During my long career as a specialist working at heights, almost all of Rock Empire’s work harnesses have passed through my hands, as well as many dozen models from other brands
The way I see it, ATLAS is probably the harness with the best “price/performance/durability” ratio on the market. It’s a comfortable, very well-balanced harness, with several really clever details.
I’m mostly thinking about the harness’s modularity.
The shoulders can be altered. Rock Empire offers five types of shoulder strap, with different material in the connecting points or equipment (e.g. integrated Chest Up). And two seat harnesses. The ability to assemble ten different variants of a harness, or just buy whatever part I need is best, not just from a safety and work efficiency standpoint, but also from the economic angle. Of course if anything gets damaged I can just replace what I need, rather than the whole ATLAS.
Another very pleasant component of ATLAS is the leg loop attachment using elastic straps. This makes work easier mainly for users who don’t want to think too much about adjusting their harness. You just pull it on, tighten the main straps and get to work.
Six material loops and a back Haul Loop allow for simple organisation of your work tools, carabiners, straps, etc. And if it won’t fit on the loops, you can move it to the shoulders or even the Helper. I don’t like searching through a mess of equipment for the one thing I need…
I also like the option of adding a Ledge Hook to ATLAS. Without that I can hardly imagine working in a seat.
The ATLAS belt, meaning the waist (seat) section of the harness is fitted with steel components for long durability and overall optimal economy of the harness. I would definitely recommend it as a very good starting harness, or a product that’s perfect for cases where aside from functionality you have to look at future expense and the purchase price. Steel can also withstand a lot and for heavy or very dirty work, steel is simply your best choice.
Do you want to save on weight or make use of quickdraws? Then choose ATLAS AL LOCK.
ATLAS is just an all-round good choice – function, comfort and optimum price. If you’re purposefully looking for the most affordable harness, Rock Empire also offers the SKILL ECON model.
On the other hand for everyday intensive work at heights, when you’re firing on all cylinders and hanging in the harness all day, you would do better to buy yourself a higher-series model: and that would be MASTER, an uncompromising product of the highest category.
Mgr. Martin Riedl, DiS.,
- Height specialist
- Instructor for work and rescue at heights and above free depths
- Special rope technique instructor
- PPE engineering inspector for work at heights and above free depths
- Assessment and testing climber for PPE producers for work and rescue at heights and above free depths
- Development team collaborator
- Co-author of several new products
- Voluntary fire brigade member
- IRATA member (Level 3)
- Mountain guide
- Co-owner of a firm that designs and installs restraint systems
- 25 years’ experience – including work and internships abroad